The Movements: A Podcast History of the Masses
The Movements is a podcast history of the working class, anti-fascists, revolutionaries, women, people of color, and liberation movements. My history shows are narrative driven and audiobook style, with a focus on historical analysis from a Marxist perspective. History Eps = Scripted Drama, Scholarly AnalysisStallin' For Time Shows = Opinion, Cuss WordsSupport the show by donating at https://www.patreon.com/movementspod
Podcasting since 2016 • 38 episodes
The Movements: A Podcast History of the Masses
Latest Episodes
Guatemala and Cuba #3 - ¡Patria o Muerte!
Fulgencio Batista has fled Cuba and the Cuban Revolutionaries are victorious. As Fidel Castro implements a revolution from above, the Latin American bourgeoisie and Central Intelligence Agency plot a destabilization campaign (modeled after the ...
Season 3
Episode 3

TEASER: Guatemala and Cuba #3 - ¡Patria o Muerte!
Full Episode available in October 2022!Support The Movements on PatreonSubscribe to the Podcast

Russia's Invasion of Ukraine: Historical background with Adam Patterson
Adam returns to the show to discuss the historical context for Russia's invasion of Ukraine. We discuss Ukraine and Russia's relationship within the Soviet Union, the shock privatization of the post-Soviet Russian economy, Yeltsin's 1993 attack...

Guatemala and Cuba #2 - Iron Discipline
Che Guevara links up with Cuban revolutionaries in Guatemala, but is forced to leave the country after the US sponsored coup against moderate President Jacobo Arbenz. Communists and the left are being persecuted throughout Latin America, sendin...
Season 3
Episode 2